It was a rainy day--not great for a Spring visit, but perfect for a frog--and we decided to go for some perfect rainy day food: pho. Even a small bowl is a little much for Banana, but Freddie stepped in to help her. He thought about helping Daddy too, but Daddy likes to add lots of chili to his pho.
After lunch, we took care of a few errands, including picking up crickets at the pet store. Freddie left the pet store very glad that he gets to spend so much time with so many different families, and that he doesn't have to be kept in a cage all the time. (ed. note: we're hoping this lesson doesn't result in another prison break for the Leapy, the tree frog.)
When we headed to CMoR afterwards, Banana wisely chose to leave Freddie in the car. Every kid would have tried to play with him.
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